天物 ·脚踏实地奋斗创新
Do you know how many good views the color steel plate bracket haswhen it is installed? The problem is that there are many differentopinions in many places, and because of the differences indifferent regions, the detailed viewpoint accounting is relativelycomplicated. Therefore, the overall viewpoint of photovoltaicsupport on the market is not very standard, but it does not affectthe application.
The use ofphotovoltaic found that this way is mainly to use too hot directradiation and scattered radiation, the other anti radiation effectis very small. According to some view point accounting methods,some viewpoints can be calculated, but there is always revenue andexpenditure in the device in detail. If the calculation is notaccurate, it is usually based on the general viewpoint of a region.And according to the detailed situation of the data obtained forcorrection.
Generallyspeaking, many color steel plate supports can check the local gooddaily view point or monthly view point in the longitude andlatitude of the area, select the good view point, and also canjudge according to some authoritative regional identification innormal days.