With the rapid development of modern science and technology, theapplication of printing color coated plate is more and moreextensive. We also have difficulties in selection and use. Whatkind of style and type is suitable for our use? Therefore, it isnecessary to understand the structure of the printing color coatedplate.
Printing color coated plate is rolled before forming, there aremany types after forming, the most commonly used are: 820 type, 840type, 900 type, etc. Its composition is: protective film (now overthe net), polyester paint, zinc coating, steel plate (divided intocold-rolled plate and hot-rolled plate).
Generally speaking, the application in engineering can bedivided into single board and composite board, and composite boardcan be divided into rock wool composite board and polystyrenecomposite board. The use of veneer is usually workshop or workshed; some veneer devices will be supplemented by rock wool, whichis called "field composite material". Most of the composite panelwall panels are 950 type, roof 970 type or 960 type.
Veneers are commonly used in 760, 820, 840, 900, 127 or 960, ofwhich 760 and 820 fixtures are fixed with brackets and other typesare fixed with self tapping screws. There are more than 760, 820and 840 roofs, more than 900 wallboards, and more than 127 and 960wallboards or roof hanging boards. The accessories of color coatedplate are also indispensable in the project.
Ridge bricks, internal corners, external corners, doors andwindows, small ditches, expansion joints, etc., are mostly fixedwith rivets and sealed with glue. About the comprehensiveintroduction of the printing color coated board, I believe you musthave a general understanding. I hope this article can help you.Before using it, you must